GPL Cellar Plugin version 3.2.4

GPL Cellar Plugin version 3.2.4

Attention: When updating the GPL Cellar plugin to version 3.2.4 or later, this will require you to reactivate your GPL Cellar plugin’s license.

3.2.4 has changes in place to how the activation process works under the hood. The plugin will now preserve your product id and license key when you deactivate the GPL Cellar, and will only be wiped out when you uninstall our plugin, but why would you ever want to uninstall it?

License checks are now performed during the request to Download or Install from our catalog instead of being performed in the background when the plugin runs. You should also receive better error notifications instructing you to take action should there be an issue with your license and hopefully save you from having to submit a support ticket.

Need Help Updating to Version 3.2.4? Try these steps…

  • Deactivate GPL Cellar plugin before updating.
  • After updating to version 3.2.4 try re-activating your GPL Cellar license. Read how to activate.
  • Still stuck and can’t reactivate? Login to your and check if the license is already activated and deactivate it. Read how to deactivate.

If you need additional help, send me an email!

Hopefully, all of these changes will be for the better!


GPL Cellar Plugin version 3.2.4

Attention: When updating the GPL Cellar plugin to version 3.2.4 or later, this will require you to reactivate your GPL Cellar plugin’s license. 3.2.4 has

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