WP Sheet Editor (Premium)

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Editing Posts and Users in WordPress is very painful. You need to open a lot of pages, make a lot of clicks. We came up with a solution.

Manage WordPress Posts and Users with Easy Spreadsheets.

No import/export needed. All the changes apply live on the website.

A Spreadsheet created specially for any type of Posts

Editing Posts, Pages, and Custom Post Types in WordPress is very difficult. You need to open a lot of pages, make a lot of clicks, and it takes a lot of time.

We created a Spreadsheet to make editing anything in WordPress painless.

Post types supported
Blog Posts
View all your Blog Posts in a spreadsheet. You can create new posts quickly. You can edit posts in bulk.

Make advanced searches. Edit the SEO title and description quickly. Edit the Post Images easily.

View all your site pages in a spreadsheet.

Edit all the pages quickly by opening the editor, saving, and opening the next editor with just one click.

Update a lot of pages at once. Replace shortcodes, keywords/text/paragraphs in the pages with just a few clicks. Update the images used in those pages. Open the Visual Composer builder from the spreadsheet.

Custom Post Types: Courses, Portfolios, etc.
The plugin creates one spreadsheet for every custom post type.

You just install a courses plugin and the spreadsheet will display all the courses and all the courses fields, so you can start editing right away.

You can edit courses quickly , you can create courses in bulk , you can edit custom fields and metaboxes in the spreadsheet (you can edit all the course information).

Make advanced searches. Update courses in bulk.

It works with any custom post type, it works with courses , projects, portfolio items, menus for restaurants, etc.

Edit courses in a spreadsheet
Edit Portfolio items in a spreadsheet
Edit any custom post type in a spreadsheet
View all the posts and pages in the spreadsheet
Edit hundreds of posts, pages, courses , and custom post types using Formulas
Upload post images in bulk quickly
Edit Posts SEO title and descriptions
Make advanced searches


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