Gravity Perks – Conditional Pricing

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Gravity Perks – Conditional Pricing 1.2.46 – GPL Coffee

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            Home&nbsp;/&nbsp;Plugins&nbsp;/&nbsp;Gravity Perks &ndash; Conditional Pricing      
            Gravity Perks &ndash; Conditional Pricing       
            Create flexible and powerful pricing levels for your Gravity Form Product fields        
            Version: 1.2.46     
            Updated: 31 March 2021      
            Status: Original        
            Pro Items       
            You don't have access to this item. Please purchase a download pack now.        
            0 users like this.      
            <p>Create flexible and powerful pricing levels for your Gravity Form Product fields based on conditional values in your form.</p>

    What does it do?

    The GP Conditional Pricing perk allows you create flexible and powerful pricing levels for your Gravity Form Product fields.

    Save yourself the hassle and frustration of creating twenty different Product fields with different prices when what you really want is a single Product field with a variable price.

    GP Conditional Pricing can handle even the most complicated pricing variations with an easy-to-use interface for creating unlimited pricing levels per Product field.

    How does it work?

    Using our easy-to-use interface for Gravity Forms pricing levels, you can create an unlimited number of pricing levels for each of your Product fields.

    Pricing levels consist of a price and a set of pricing rules that determine which pricing level should be used for the Product field’s price. Pricing rules work just like Gravity Forms’ default conditional logic but instead of showing/hiding a field, the pricing rules determine which pricing level will be used to set the price of the Product field.

    If these conditions are true, this product costs this much.

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