Awesome Support – Public Tickets

Awesome Support - Public Tickets

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Have you ever wanted to use your tickets as a knowledge base that your users can search for answers?  Now you can!

A public searchable archive of your old tickets can reduce the number of tickets you get as many customers are already conditioned to search for information before sending a support request.

The Public Tickets add-on for Awesome Support helps you to reduce the cost of support by allowing you to create a searchable archive of selected tickets that your users can access at any time.  Here is an example of what your users could see when they access your Public Tickets page:

Multiple Presentation Styles

Your users can select from multiple presentation styles:

  • Grid
  • List
  • Accordion

Your admin can also lock the page to a single style.

Multiple Levels Of Control

  • Tickets can be marked as PUBLIC or PRIVATE
  • Replies can be marked as PUBLIC or PRIVATE
  • Agents can switch the PUBLIC or PRIVATE status on a ticket or a reply at any time
  • End users (if allowed by the admin) can switch the PUBLIC or PRIVATE status on a ticket or a reply at any time
  • Admin can decide if all new tickets will default to PUBLIC or PRIVATE

Awesome Features

  • Your admin can determine who can set tickets to public or private – agents or both agents and customers
  • A comprehensive shortcode with numerous options
  • Show all tickets on one page or separate them out by product or tags
  • Control whether you will show open tickets, closed tickets or both


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